DownloadSource code included Flash imagePlease see disclaimer at the bottom of the pageVICE DTVFlash imagePlease see disclaimer at the bottom of the pageSee instructions below |
What is it?
DTVBIOS is a startup-program (INTRO) for a keyboard-modded DTV that will make it code-ready without the need of re-flashing your kernal, which can be a dangerous operation.DTVBIOS will tie together DTVBASIC, TurboMacroPro from Style and DTVBOOT from T.L.R. It also works with Peiselulli's Kernal.
At startup, DTVBIOS will look for whatever program that is bootstrapped at $018000 and start it automatically.
With the DTVBASIC bootstrapped, the DTV will boot directly into DTVBASIC after a reset, and you will have all the cool features, like DIR, DMA, SCRATCH, DELETE, RAMSAVE, RAMLOAD, MEMDUMP and of course the RAMDISK | |
With DTVBOOT bootstrapped, the DTV will boot to T.L.R:s DTVBOOT after a reset, with all his possibilities of DTVTRANS, alternate video mode, alternate kernal and of course the DTVMON. | |
With Peiselulli´s Kernal bootstrapped, the DTV will boot to Peiselulli´s Kernal after a reset, which features goodies such as speedload, hyprasave and of course the very useful Disk Tool Menu. |
Note! DTVBIOS will not work together with other menus, unless you modify the source code yourself
How to install DTVBIOS.
DTVBIOS needs to be named INTRO and should be flashed to your DTV at position 0x010000To work it needs (beside itself) the following contents on your flash:
In order to work properly, your Kernal need to auto-boot the file INTRO.
If you have modified the kernal, for example with T.L.R:s kernalpatcher, you might have reversed the function of the ctrl-key, and the DTVBIOS will not start unless ctrl is pressed.
Installation: The easiest way
Flash the image 010000.bin above to position 0x010000 on the DTV flash, using T.L.R:s flashtool.Advantages: Quick and easy
Disadvantages: You don't get to create your own flash directory with favourite tools, games etc.
Installation: The preferred way
Create your own flash image, using for example DTVBUILD by Hideki, and DTVPACK from T.L.R.Make sure to include the nessecary tools, named exactly as described above.
Flash the image to position 0x010000 on the DTV flash, using T.L.R:s flashtool.
Advantages: You can include all the programs you want in the flash.
Disadvantages: More complicated.
Installation: The advanced way
Modify the source to your liking with your own startup display and optionsCompile the source to a binary using TMP
Create your own flash image, using for example DTVBUILD by Hideki, and DTVPACK from T.L.R.
Make sure to include the nessecary tools, named exactly as described above.
Flash the image to position 0x010000 on the DTV flash, using T.L.R:s flashtool.
Advantages: You get the display and startup exactly as want
Disadvantages: Very time-consuming work. Requires programming skills
Thanks to the hard work of many people within the DTV community, there isnow an unofficial version of VICE with DTV emulation.
You can use this as a nifty way to try out DTVBIOS before burning it on the real hardware.
To be able to try the DTVBIOS in VICE, you will need a flash image that doesn't have the ctrl-check inverted.
I have included one here. It is a modification of the original one found on the Wiki.
Place it into the C64DTV-directory under VICE, and start VICE with the arguments
+VICIIvcache -c64dtvromimage C64DTV\dtvrom_gng.bin
The image contains a second partition (5) with some well-known released programs by TLR, just to show you how the flash partitions work. Try DIR 1,5 in DTVBASIC to change to partition 5.
Using the source
Since DTVBIOS is no rocket-science, I choose to release the source for you to modify freely.If you release anything based on this source, it would be nice to be mentioned.
Why was the DTVBIOS developed?
Because of the dangers of re-flashing the kernal at $00E000 on the DTV, I wanted to find an easy way of having both DTVBOOT and DTVBASIC as well as TMP at my fingertips at DTV startup.With DTVBIOS, I can choose how my DTV will startup after a reset, and I have a quick way of loading my tools directly from the flash at Power-on.
512 MB Flash ? Whats up with that?
I just thought it was a cool thing to print there, since my DTV has a built-in 1541-III-DTV with the possibilities to use SD-cards up to 512 MB.Disclaimer
In "Other downloads" above, I have compiled the nessecary programs into images, for your convenience.These programs are not mine, but they are freely downloadable on the internet, so I hope the authors don't mind.
TurboMacroPro is downloaded from Style
DTVBOOT is downloaded from T.L.R
The example programs on flash partition 5 (blitterscroll,keymatrix and displaytest) are all made by T.L.R
The original Flash image (before modification) is downloaded from The DTV Hacking Wiki. It contains Peiselulli´s Kernal.
If you are the legal copyrightholder to anything in theese images, and don't want me to publish it this way, please inform me and I will remove the images immediately.