Sinus Creator 3.0
Release date: 2012-09-29
Platform: PC - Win32
Download count: 7025
A tool that creates sinus and cosinus waves for your C64, Vic20, PC and Amiga needs. Lots of nice functions including advanced functions for combining two or more waves into one jawdropping wave. Coded by Grokk, Moxified by Fred. Now updated to support Windows 8.
GangEd 2
Release date: 2012-09-29
Platform: PC - Win32
Download count: 7651
GangEd is a C64 data and graphics editor.
This version is nothing more than a convert to support later Windows operating systems, and to make sure that we can compile it again ;).
We are sure there are a lot of bugs (nice features) somewhere in there and therefore we want you to report them to us. Please send an email to and let us know what you think about it...
Remember to read the help file for more information about functions and features.
Sinus Creator 2.0.1
Release date: 2007-05-22
Platform: PC - Win32
Download count: 5318
A tool that creates sinus and cosinus waves for your C64, Vic20, PC and Amiga needs. Lots of nice functions including advanced functions for combining two or more waves into one jawdropping wave. Coded by Grokk, Moxified by Fred. Now updated to support Windows XP and Vista and some other things.
GangEd 1.0
Release date: 2005-08-13
Platform: PC - Win32
Released at: GREP 2005
Download count: 19402
GangEd is a C64 data and graphics editor. Released at GREP 05 in Skövde and came first place in the Wild category.
After more than a year of irregular work we are proud to release it to the public. We are sure there are a lot of bugs (nice features) somewhere in there and therefore we want you to report them to us. Please send an email to and let us know what you think about it...
Remember to read the help file for more information about functions and features.
GangEd 1.0 - GREP (686 KB)
GangEd 1.0.1 (Latest) (710 KB)
Combined surprisecompos
Platform: PC - Win32
Released at: Dreamhack Winter 2004
Download count: 5318
This "utility" is so useless it couldn't even get into the compo :>
It combines some stuff made for the surprise compos at Dreamhack Winter 04.
Sinus Creator 2.0
Release date: 2004-09-19
Platform: PC - Win32
Released at: Hype 2004 Chill Edition
Download count: 7466
A tool that creates sinus and cosinus waves for your C64, Vic20, PC and Amiga needs. Lots of nice functions including advanced functions for combining two or more waves into one jawdropping wave. Coded by Grokk, Moxified by Fred to generate C Source.
Entry for the Wild compo and came 2nd of three.
Sinus Creator
Platform: PC - Win32
Download count: 5712
A tool that creates sinus and cosinus waves for your C64, Vic20, PC and Amiga needs. Lots of nice functions including advanced functions for combining two or more waves into one jawdropping wave. Coded by Grokk in December 2003.
C1 Boot Tool
Platform: PC - Win32
Download count: 5515
Tool to send binaryfiles to the C-One from Windows(!). Coded by Grokk in Oct 2003