


Release date: 2004-12-29
Platform: Amiga
Released at: Dreamhack Winter 2004
Download count: 12011

Amiga Demo placed 3rd in the Alternative Platform Compo.
When played at the compo something went wrong and none of the gfx was shown, but here is a fixed version that works.

Required an Amiga with 2mb extra memory.

Amiga Executable (530 KB)
Complete source with all binary files needed (467 KB)
ZIP-file containing music (370 KB)

Christmas Music Disk


Release date: 2004-12-24
Platform: PC - Win32
Download count: 11907

From us all to you all, a christmas music disk (not that much of a disk, but anyway). Some nice crisp music to play this holiday.
Code: Fred, Music: Gouafgh & TheCheat, Graphics: MRK & Nisse.

Zipfile with music disk (2835 KB)
Zipfile with complete source (2707 KB)
Zipfile with all the music (1819 KB)

Combined surprisecompos


Platform: PC - Win32
Released at: Dreamhack Winter 2004
Download count: 5204

This "utility" is so useless it couldn't even get into the compo :>
It combines some stuff made for the surprise compos at Dreamhack Winter 04.

RAR archive with useless utility (442 KB)



Release date: 2004-11-28
Platform: All
Released at: Dreamhack Winter 2004
Download count: 20241

eXtended Module released at Dreamhack Winter 04 for the tracked multichannel compo. Made it 12th.

Version released at Dreamhack (1405 KB)
Corrected version (1294 KB)



Release date: 2004-11-28
Platform: All
Released at: Dreamhack Winter 2004
Download count: 6449

ASCII art by Fred for the surprise ASCII compo at Dreamhack Winter 04

RAR archive with .txt and screenshot (5 KB)
View in browser (4 KB)

Är det en katt?


Release date: 2004-11-28
Platform: All
Released at: Dreamhack Winter 2004
Download count: 6496

Image by Fred for the oldschool graphics compo at Dreamhack Winter 04. Made it 8th!

RAR archive with steps and final (5 KB)
View in browser (1 KB)



Platform: All
Released at: Dreamhack Winter 2004
Download count: 6772

Released for the Freehand graphics compo. Drawn by Nisse

Three steps and final in one zip (1886 KB)
View in browser (514 KB)

En skön natt på stan


Platform: All
Released at: Dreamhack Winter 2004
Download count: 6799

Third place in the Oldschool graphics compo. Pixeled by TheCheat.

zip-file with three steps and final image (51 KB)
View in browser (20 KB)

Rimfrost runt manövern


Platform: All
Released at: Dreamhack Winter 2004
Download count: 3350

Released for the Freestyle music compo. Placed 9th place. Composed by TheCheat

Ogg-file (4027 KB)

Glöm inte väskan


Platform: All
Released at: Dreamhack Winter 2004
Download count: 2948

Third place in the Oldschool music compo at Dreamhack Winter 2004. Tracked by TheCheat.

XM-file (29 KB)

Out of time


Platform: All
Released at: Dreamhack Winter 2004
Download count: 6906

Winner of the Oldschool graphics compo at Dreamhack Winter 2004. Drawn by Nisse.

Three steps and final in one zip (48 KB)
View in browser (23 KB)



Platform: PC - Win32
Released at: Dreamhack Winter 2004
Download count: 6686

64k intro. 2nd place at DHW'04.

TheGang - Oldskol (53 KB)
ZIP-file containing music (22 KB)

A Fairytale Lullaby


Platform: All
Released at: Dreamhack Winter 2004
Download count: 3320

Released for the Freestyle music compo. Composed by Saarde.

A Fairytale Lullaby (5098 KB)

2 Nice Fish


Release date: 2004-11-06
Platform: PC - Win32
Released at: Black Birdie 2004
Download count: 12023

Shared 1st place in the Demo competition.

Code and Idea: Fred
Graphics: Nisse
Music: Gouafhg

Zipfile with Windows executable (3390 KB)
Extra: The original Fish Demo by Neurotic Design, released at Icing 97. (350 KB)
ZIP-file containing music (61 KB)



Platform: All
Released at: Black Birdie 2004
Download count: 4270

Winner of the Streaming Music compo at Black Birdie 2004! Composed by Gouafhg.

Mp3 file (4776 KB)

Sinus Creator 2.0


Release date: 2004-09-19
Platform: PC - Win32
Released at: Hype 2004 Chill Edition
Download count: 7320

A tool that creates sinus and cosinus waves for your C64, Vic20, PC and Amiga needs. Lots of nice functions including advanced functions for combining two or more waves into one jawdropping wave. Coded by Grokk, Moxified by Fred to generate C Source.

Entry for the Wild compo and came 2nd of three.

Zipfile with Windows executable (246 KB)

Arbetsplats by Fred


Release date: 2004-08-01
Platform: C64
Released at: Little Computer People 2004
Download count: 6221

Image released in the Graphics compo. Placed 15 of 16.

C64 executable (2 KB)
View in browser (2 KB)

Sequel - Final version


Release date: 2004-08-01
Platform: C64
Released at: Little Computer People 2004
Download count: 9189

Intro for the democompo. Placed 9 of 11.

C64 executable (6 KB)
C64 disk image (171 KB)
The music as a .sid! (5 KB)

The Gang Logo


Release date: 2004-04-01
Platform: Amiga
Released at: Birdie 14
Download count: 6469

Ansi (Amiga BBS style) by Fred to the ansi compo. Compo was canceled since this was the only contribution.

Ans file, PNG image and text (5 KB)
View in browser (4 KB)

Köttflipper by Fred


Release date: 2004-04-01
Platform: All
Released at: Birdie 14
Download count: 6656

Image released in the Graphics compo. Placed 20 of 26.

Zip file with PNG image and steps (10 KB)
View in browser (3 KB)

The Pacifist by Nisse


Release date: 2004-04-01
Platform: All
Released at: Birdie 14
Download count: 3503

Image released in the Graphics compo. Placed 15 of 26.

PNG Image (342 KB)



Release date: 2004-02-06
Platform: C64
Released at: Jamaica ROM 2004
Download count: 3508

Sid by Gouafhg to the 3-channel music compo. Came 2:nd plcase of three. Includes a scroller...

Sid and D64-image in Zip (9 KB)

Krabba by Fred


Release date: 2004-02-01
Platform: Amiga
Released at: Jamaica ROM 2004
Download count: 6071

Fast GFX compo (30 min). Drawn in Deluxe Paint on Amiga, Placed 7 of 7.

IFF Amiga image (19 KB)
View in browser (3 KB)



Release date: 2004-01-01
Platform: All
Released at: Birdie 14
Download count: 4223

Mp3 by Gouafhg to the streaming music compo. Placed 14 of 18.

MP3 file (7544 KB)



Release date: 2004-01-01
Platform: C64
Released at: Birdie 14
Download count: 3212

Sid by Gouafhg to the tracked music compo. Placed 8 of 10.

Sid file (6 KB)

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