


Platform: PC - Win32
Released at: Black Birdie 2006
Download count: 4012

Short demo done mostly at Black birdie 3 which finished 3rd in the democompo.

Fårloop [Zip] (1766 KB)

Verksamhetsförlagdutbildning (Part #1of4)


Platform: All
Released at: Black Birdie 2006
Download count: 5846

The first part in a series of four.
Wild / Video by Gouafhg
DivX made with VirtualDub, Paintshop Pro and GoldWave
2.45 minutes playtime
Came first place in the Wild compo

Verksamhetsförlagdutbildning (Part #1of4) [Zip] (0 KB)
View in browser [AVI] (0 KB)

Mer tid ger mindre trance, men inte denna gång


Platform: All
Released at: Black Birdie 2006
Download count: 2868

Streamed Music by The Cheat
128Kbps Mp3, made in Fruityloops
3.21 Minutes

Mer tid ger mindre trance, men inte denna gång [Zip] (0 KB)

Det var jag som knep Skalleper


Platform: All
Released at: Black Birdie 2006
Download count: 2680

Chip by The Cheat
XM made in Sk@le Tracker
1.31 Minutes

Det var jag som knep Skalleper [Zip] (4 KB)



Platform: All
Released at: Black Birdie 2006
Download count: 5533

Drawn Graphics by Fred
PNG made with PaintShop Pro 9
Made in about 30 minutes
Came third in the highres graphic compo.

Spaceman [Zip] (524 KB)
View in browser [Png] (86 KB)



Platform: All
Released at: Black Birdie 2006
Download count: 5477

Drawn Graphics by Nisse
PNG made on a Nokia 770 with Sketch
Came second in the highres graphics compo.

Kobojesare [Zip] (44 KB)
View in browser [Png] (44 KB)



Platform: All
Released at: Black Birdie 2006
Download count: 5464

Drawn Graphics by Fred
PNG made in Paint Shop Pro 9
Made in 30 Minutes as usual
Came third in the lowres graphics compo.

Neighbour [Zip] (133 KB)
View in browser [Png] (38 KB)



Platform: All
Released at: Black Birdie 2006
Download count: 5794

Drawn Graphics by The Cheat
PNG made in Paint Shop Pro
Came second in the lowres graphics compo.

älv-fred [Zip] (0 KB)
View in browser [Png] (0 KB)



Platform: All
Released at: Black Birdie 2006
Download count: 2948

Stream Music by Gouafhg
256Kbps Mp3, made in Jeskola buzz
3.33 Minutes
Voted 3rd place!

Överall [Zip] (0 KB)

Black Birdie 2006 Invitation


Platform: PC - Win32
Released at: backslash 2006
Download count: 2900

Invitation intro to Black Birdie 2006, came second in the combined demo competition.
(Updated with new date)

Zipfile with Invitation intro (3531 KB)

The Gnag


Platform: PC - Win32
Released at: Amiga Summer Party - Compusphere & AmiGBG
Download count: 2638

Terribly old demo by us released at Amiga summer party / Compusphere 2006. My memory is not clear about such epic perspective of time, but we might have recieved some kind of price for it (3rd).

The Gnag [zip] (4905 KB)



Platform: All
Released at: Birdie 06
Download count: 2595

Ogg by Gouafhg. Released at Birdie 2006, freakin' 17th in streamed music compo!

Dan [Zip] (5292 KB)



Platform: All
Released at: Birdie 06
Download count: 2600

Music tracked in Madtracker 2. Released at Birdie 2006, 8th in Multichannel music compo.

Varan [Zip] (848 KB)

Gameboy compo


Platform: Gameboy
Released at: deadline harakiri
Download count: 5766

Named gameboy compo since it competed in the gameboy compo at deadline harakiri and WON! (only contender...)

MP3 of the song (2710 KB)
SRAM gameboy savestate for LSDJ (32 KB)

Blue inside


Platform: All
Released at: deadline harakiri
Download count: 2834

Really nice PC-pic by fred. He needs regards, please think of him while watching etc. Placed 3rd at deadline harakiri with 3 2/3 points!

Blue inside (112 KB)



Platform: PC - Win32
Released at: deadline harakiri
Download count: 2927

Demo by us released at deadline harakiri that was placed 6th, but it was really close to 4th! And please be nice to us when watching the party version...

Husmys Party version (8751 KB)



Platform: All
Released at: deadline harakiri
Download count: 2844

XM by Gouafhg that was released at deadline harakiri and placed 7th. Allthough they played it with interpolation... ;>

Gräsmatta (36 KB)



Platform: Amiga
Released at: deadline harakiri
Download count: 2563

Protracker module by Gouafhg, released at deadline harakiri that finished 2nd out of 2. But it had a REALLY GOOD VOTE SCORE!

Ferie (579 KB)

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